Saturday, May 29, 2010

Michael Ignatieff: The perfect Canadian

Remember when Iffy said this:

As everybody knows, I’m just visiting,” Ignatieff said, joking.

“They say it makes me less of a Canadian,” he said, of his former ex-pat status. “But I’m here to tell you it makes me more of a Canadian.”

Rex Murphy's take: This last claim was merely excess and nonsense since, in logic, he’d be the perfect Canadian, by his terms … if he’d never come back at all.

Read the entire article here.


"Michael Ignattief’s core weakness is that so many Canadians are withholding assent to him as their leader because they do feel that, at the most profound level, perhaps he does not know their country."

Rex Murphy is a national treasure.


wilson said...

Luv yah Rex!

Rex is also hitting head on the argument for proportional representation, that Chantel Hebert and a couple of other leftie journalists have been promoting.
The 'excuse' for PP is that it would dimish the BLOC,
ha, not as much as cutting off the flow of txpayer subsidies would.
We Cons have to keep our eye on the ball.

'...This is why “cause” parties — say, the Greens here in Canada — are so hot for “proportional representation.” It allows them to get selected on the strength of (in my view) faddish sentiment about a cause de jour, and not, primarily, on the close assessment of a particular candidate’s character, intelligence and capacity to deal with the whole range of issues that make up real political life...'

Lynn said...

On Proportional representation:
"It allows them to get selected on the strength of (in my view) faddish sentiment about a cause de jour, and not, primarily, on the close assessment of a particular candidate’s character, intelligence and capacity to deal with the whole range of issues that make up real political life."

Green candidates I've seen and heard definitely DO NOT feel any connection with the average Canadian. Most have a superiority complex born of their perfect earth saving agenda, and we are the ignorant peasants who must be brought to heel under their wise governance.

Murphy IS a national treasure,and his description of Ignatieff's lack of understanding of this Country is spot on. Ignatieff will never become PM,as we Canadians simply do not like him, much less have any trust of him.

If I wanted an aristocrat to run this Country, I'd rather have Prince Harry,he's visited here more often than Ignatieff did in his years overseas, and at least comes from the right Royal Family.


Calgary Junkie said...

This "just visiting" narrative has clearly hit a sore spot with Iggy. My sense is that he's over-reacted, and thus made it more of an issue with voters, who might think he's protesting too much.

His first mistake was, during the eight weeks or so after the 2008 prorogue, when he spent his time finishing his "True Partriot Love" book. My reaction at the time was
"You've GOT to be joking !?! ...
this guy obvisously has a hard time setting priorities, just like Dion."

I mean seriously, Flaherty was working on a life-and-death budget, for late Jan. 2009, and Iggy is preparing a long-winded rebutal of a relatively trivial, yet to be used, talking point from us ???

Anyway, my questions, if any reporters with inquiring minds want to pursue are:

Is Iggy renting the house he was living in, in Cambridge Mass., before moving to Canada ?

What did he do with all the furniture in that house, since it obviously won't fit into his Toronto condominium ?

The answers to those questions will go a long way into answering whether he indeed is "just visiting".

bocanut said...

The insider Liberal braintrust convinced the Count that his mere appearance in Canada would send voter's hearts aquivering a la Trudeau and his coronation to PM was merely a formality.
Having an ego as big as Algonquin Park the Count bought into the scenario hook ,line and sinker.
The Count has been unsuccessfully scrambling for years to try and understand the Canadian psyche.
What Canadians smell is an insincere,confused, snobbish dilettante who if he doesn't get his way will soon be gone.
Good riddance.

Ardvark said...

And this when the public is paying little attention. When the writ is dropped Ignatieff is going to be toast.

CanadianSense said...

Time for him to pull out his Pink Suit and wow them Canadians!

The Great White Hype is simply another failed media construct.

The idea that Ignatieff, Bob Rae, Wunderkid, could lead the Democrats, Separatists back to power is almost comical.

Not sure if the media or opposition is more out of touch with reality.