Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Liberal Senator: Quebec has a superior culture to Alberta.

Liberal Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette was at it again yesterday; this time attacking Alberta.

You may remember Hervieux-Payette from her response to a Minnesota family concerned about seal hunting where she said that they should be more concerned with "the daily massacre of innocent people in Iraq, the execution of prisoners -- mainly blacks -- in American prisons, the massive sale of handguns to Americans, the destabilization of the entire world by the American government's aggressive foreign policy, etc." than the seal hunt.

Yesterday on CTV's Power Play Hervieux-Payette was again her classy self when talking about her nanny state private members bill outlawing spanking. She was discussing statistics and how support for her bill was "off course" lower in Alberta than in Quebec because "we don't have the same culture" and went on to say in way of an explanation after being called out by host Tom Clarke "I am just telling you that maybe we (Quebec) have the appropriate way of dealing with children and education is different then hitting a child."

Not that her arrogant and clueless statement was enough she went on to laughingly say "We have some support in Alberta? That is news for me." again in response to Tom Clarke's observation that her statement was going to hurt Liberal support in Alberta and Western Canada.

The Liberal Party of Canada: not only are we more united than ever as a party but we continue to unite Canadians from coast to coast to coast for a better Canada.

You can watch the CTV segment here.

More on Hervieux-Payette from CTV. Apparently she is sexist as well as being clueless on the economy.


Anonymous said...

Very typical of the Quebecois upper class . . mostly heads upper their arse ends, but the end result is the same.

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Quebec and I used to get spanked all the time but then, I'm an Anglophone.

Sammy said...

I watched that last eve,and it just made my blood boil.To me,it just blatantly highlighted lib arrogance,with some Que superiority thrown in.Way to 'divide' the nation you lunatic!
I do give some kudos to Clark tho..he almost seemed stunned when she said that.
It also shows pretty clearly what the libs think of the west..we aren't worthy!

Joe said...

So lets compare numbers. How many big name artists that come from Quebec vs Alberta. Now compare the number of people who live in each province.

rightful said...

perhaps the best arguement yet for reform of the HOC to reflect the growing population in the west - not soon enough !

maryT said...

When we had spanking, God in the classrooms, prayers in schools and teachers that taught, what didn't we have. School shootings, knifings, massacres, violent gangs, driveby shootings, babies being smashed on the sidewalks to list a few.
Why liberals think the latter is better than the former is beyond me.
She is just upset that another conservative senator will soon be named.

Bec said...

And the Liberals wonder why they can't make any headway out west.

I would bet this small minded mouthpiece, hasn't been west of the Senate Chamber,that she so arrogantly chirps from.

caz said...

Yeah but they have the POPULATION.. as infuriating as this is, she's only showing her ignorance. I live in the west, my ancestry is pure laine french and I honestly am disgusted with Quebec. How soon they forget how Harper was the ONLY one who treated them with any respet. Their little tantrums about arts cuts just proves how superficial they are. I am truly embarassed to be french.

Blame Crash said...

I don't know why people use the word "elite" to describe the so called “progressives”. The word elite has a lot of positive attributes that these types don’t deserve. When you examine these people’s attitudes and ideologies. One has to realize that the word “supremacist” is a much truer fit.

The progressive caste believe ideological acceptance and submission to their beliefs is the only test of human intelligence. This is why they use “Albertan’s” as their example of ideological heathenism. Ideologies, like Theologies, need a “bad guy” to despise. Of course Sarah Palin is another example of an attack on “Albertans”.

Of course there are ideological Albertans all across Canada, and that includes Quebec, which is much to the chagrin of the progressive caste.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just listened to the segment. Does anyone in the Liberal party understand this country?

Anonymous said...

"I am just telling you that maybe we (Quebec) have the appropriate way of dealing with children and education is different then hitting a child."

Hmm, even though it is not my business how another disciplines her kids, I will only say this:

Look how her province turned out...

MrEd said...

maybe she didn't get spanked hard enough as a child to get that silly ideology of superiority and entitlement out of her head...

CanadianSense said...

She makes the case for "out of touch" with reality succiently.

The train wreck of the Liberal Party would do well to distance themselves with loose cannons liberals within their party.

Ardvark said...

Added the audio segment.

I wonder if Ignatieff and the 3 Liberal Senators from Alberta feel the same way?

wilson said...

'loose cannons liberals'
She represents the norm in the LPC, and for the most part, the PPG.

This 'you (the West) are too stupid to understand' thing has been the Lib/media narrative since the formation of the Reform Party.

Funny how we stupid Westerners have had e-health records for 5 years,
have had wind farms for decades,
and how Canadians are flocking to Western Canada, and voting Conservative, eh.

Anonymous said...

She also mentioned the lovely daycare enjoyed by Quebecers. Paid for by Albertans via equalization.

Bec said...

Kind of o/t

Just heard Rob Moore?(missed the beginning) on Rutherford discussing these same Liberal Senators holding up the crime bills.....ONCE AGAIN!

and wilson, Paragraph 3, Amen!

Soccermom said...

Wow lots of good points made here. I really don't think Liberals like her give a flying hoot about anyone in the west. They think they can win gov't again with just the East. we don't matter to them one bit.

No one has the right to tell a parent how to raise their child. We have laws in place re child abuse. The odd spanking is not child abuse.

I would be curious to find out high teen abortion/pregnancy rates are in Quebec and compare that to Western Canada. I have a feeling Quebec would lead with abortion rates, with their overly permissive society.

Well that's some good child raising, isn't it.

Ardvark said...

The arrogance of that party amazes me, not that I would expect anything else from a Liberal other than telling us how to live our lives, but they still have the arrogance to maintain that they are not being divisive. Arrggggggg!

Anonymous said...

Sadly her forced retirement won't be until 2016 :(