Monday, March 28, 2011

Election 2011: Battleground Alberta Edmonton Strathcona

One of the most watched ridings in the country this year is going to be Edmonton Strathcona, the only riding in Alberta that currently is not being held by the Conservatives.

Edmonton Strathcona is currently represented by Linda Duncan of the NDP, who won the riding in the 2008 election over incumbent Rahim Jaffer by less than 500 votes, and the NDP is getting very nervous about losing. So much so they have targeted the riding and have pulled out all of the stops to try and keep it.

And why are the NDP worried?  Well it certainly is not because of the Liberal candidate, as there is NONE declared yet ( The LPC had better rectify this one fast or it will only add to the numerous coalition questions coming their way, and make a mockery of their 308 national party strategy) and it certainly can't be because of the Green Party candidate who seems to be asking people not to vote Green.

No, the answer to why Linda Duncan and the NDP are so worried is because of Ryan Hastman.

Ryan Hastman the tireless Conservative candidate (he now has knocked on over 17,000 doors in Edmonton-Strathcona) has been working hard reconnecting with conservatives in the riding who where turned off by the previous candidate, and anyone else who may have a difficult time with their MP rallying against the oil industry which is the life blood of not only the riding but the Province and the country.

Including this nose stretcher with Duncan lying about moose and bears. Oh my!    "But it's all too little, too late, argues Alberta NDP MP Linda Duncan. "We pay attention to the tailing ponds because there's physical evidence in the dead ducks. But birds, moose and bears are dying in these ponds every day"  ( 100% NDP/Duncan BS)

Do the good people of Edmonton Strathcona need someone in Ottawa who is voting against their best interests? No, Linda Duncan needs to go and Ryan Hastman is the man to make sure that happens.

Ryan and his team have laid the groundwork for retaking the riding but they are going to need the help of conservatives everywhere to make sure that goal is achieved.

It is time to get active and fight back. Give the Hastman campaign office a call and volunteer, even a couple of hours may make the difference, and help make sure that the single yellow spot on the electoral map of Alberta is removed for good.

The difference was less than 500 votes last time so don't be under the impression that your vote or your contribution, no matter how small in time or dollars, cannot make a real difference in Edmonton Strathcona.

Get out and get active!

Campaign Office located at 5611 Gateway Blvd (north)

Office phone: 780-433-0691




Anonymous said...

This is my EDA. I am going to be giving the Hastman campaign office a call very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Advark Looky dis

maryT said...

What, an MP from a party that has cried for 2 yrs more people voted against the PM than for him. Guess she isn't one of only 15 MPs elected in 2008 who got over 50%, or the 25 who got around 40%.
If she gets re-elected, and the coalition takes over, as the only mp from AB she would be in cabinet. Hope she gets a decent hairdo if that happens.

Anonymous said...

Seems like most of the Hastman signs are in front of houses that have blatently ignored building bylaws about height and lot coverage. I guess this shows that his supporters are the ones who believe in their right to do whatever they please and ingore the good of the community.

Ardvark said...

Anon at 3:56, thanks for the example of a smear from the so called 'compassionate' left.

You smear and label with a wide brush my NDP friend.

BTW wouldn't talking to your neighbors about the alleged bylaw infractions, or even reporting the infractions to the city, be a better use of your time and do more 'good' for the community than writing about it on a political blog?

maryT said...

Anon, proof please.