Monday, January 19, 2009

Save the Hollow Tree!

Sorry Kate, but I say we need to save Vancouver's famous Hollow Tree which stands (with much help) in Stanley Park.


It stands as a symbol for all things that would, or perhaps should, die a natural death if it were not for taxpayer* dollars being spent. After all, we do know more than mother nature about this kind of thing don't we?

* before someone jumps in to tell me that this is all going to be private money I would like to point out the matching grant from the Heritage Legacy Fund of BC which was funded by tax dollars, and such additional costs as the cost of about $100,000 to landscape around the site and restore the roadway curbing, as claimed by Stanley Park board staff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This aged tree is a perfect symbol for the misguided efforts of the climate change fanatics. The hubris that underlies their crazy notion that they can alter the natural course of change and renewal that has been the hallmark of this planet for billions of years is astonishing to behold.