Elizabeth May will be the death of the Green Party and most of the grass roots already know this. She has a grand plan to have most of the Green candidates walk away in the middle of the next election and endorse the Lieberals.
Tired of undelivered big promises and big government in general. Even more tired of being treated as an idiot by the spin artists found at all levels of government.
Brent Butt: "Yes. You are right. I am wrong. I feel shame."
Frank Graves 1: "Okay ! this is the second time you got me with careless tweeting . And once again I defer to your catch. Good one!" 2. "Sheesh! are you available as a real time editor?"
Elizabeth May will be the death of the Green Party and most of the grass roots already know this. She has a grand plan to have most of the Green candidates walk away in the middle of the next election and endorse the Lieberals.
I wonder if the Red Green Show
is going to be canceled when the new season starts Sept 2nd =)
If she has her candidates walk away she will not get that 1.75/vote. Have she and Dion made a deal to split the money.
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