Ignatieff messes up again. "No one has ever said or will ever say in this party that Canadian soldiers were involved in torture"
Errr wrong, Bill Prout Liberal candidate for Dufferin Caledon , did just that. (make sure to read the editorial comment.) I would call this one a lie but maybe he was unaware of Prout's comment(s) on Canadian troops being involved in torture.
Public Eye does it again. This time they have obtained a letter from Liberal Party President Alfred Apps complaining that the media "increasingly appears to have lost all perspective on reality" in its coverage of the federal Liberals.
The analysis, which was obtained by Public Eye, states "much of the media, not to mention some 'nervous Nellies' within the LPC's own ranks, appear to have unquestioningly bought into a narrative about (Michael Ignatieff) and LPC's electoral prospects under his leadership that has all the marks of being Tory/NDP-inspired."
Specifically, "the 'consensus worldview of the Canadian press' since June 2009 has been this: Ignatieff being arrogant and aloof among other things, is unable to 'connect' with ordinary Canadians. It naturally follows that he is doomed to failure as a leader and will inevitably lead LPC to defeat in the next election."
The analysis goes on to describe why that consensus is wrong and how the Liberals are, in fact, positioned to win the next election. For example, it states impressions of Mr. Ignatieff "are so far removed from the reality of who he is that they are not likely to survive the inevitable scrutiny of a more engaged electorate during a lively campaign."
Much more here but read it for yourself.
Note the chart on page 5 where it states Jan 2006 and April 2006 that Dion was the leader.
In Jan 2006 Paul Martin (he didn't even make the chart at all) was the leader, at least until the election Jan 23, 2006 when he resigned soon after, then he was replaced by Bill Graham as leader until Dion won in December 2006.
What does it say about the state of the Liberal Party when its President Alfred Apps does not even know who the leader of his own party was!
Perhaps the MSM made that chart for Apps; what other explanation could there be.
But unlike Ignatieff's Do-Over bus tour, it will not be stopping at "every Tim Hortons" in Canada. Come to think of it I doubt Ignatieff will make to even 2% of the Tim's even though he promised* to do stop at them all, but that is the value of an Ignatieff promise. Exaggerated and worthless.
* Michael Ignatieff's promise: "Starting today we’re going to get on a bus and go to every province and territory between July and September, if it doesn’t kill me first." “We’re going to stop at every legion hall, every barbecue, every Tim Horton’s and shake every hand in the house.”
"Nova Scotia has been my home since 1973. No matter how long I work in Ottawa, I am home in Nova Scotia nearly a quarter of every year, (some years more) working, not vacationing, from there. My dad is 82 (and does not travel) and I would not get to see much of him at all if my riding were anywhere but Nova Scotia. I am very close to my brother and sister-in-law too and they do not travel at all. I would never see them either. And my daughter would not see her grandfather and family and home while I was being a good MP somewhere else. I have to run prepared to be the best MP my riding has ever had. That means being there every possible moment. So where would family end up?? Squished into a once a year visit? I was not prepared to give up my family in Nova Scotia for politics (so, maybe “selfish” is true.)"
Summer is here and the time is right, for dancin' in the streets.
It is going to be a busy summer as I have way too much work to do, including some major renovations and the never ending quest for the perfect lawn ( is there really such a thing?) and as a result, my dancing and blogging will be very sporadic for the next couple of months while I attempt to get some of this stuff done. I will still drop a post now and again as Ignatieff is sure to say something ridiculous or as events dictate, but nothing on a regular basis until the fall when things get back to normal both here at home and in Ottawa.
So enjoy your summer and a big thank you to everyone who has visited the blog this past year to read my stuff and drop off comments. You make it all worth it.
Tired of undelivered big promises and big government in general. Even more tired of being treated as an idiot by the spin artists found at all levels of government.
Brent Butt: "Yes. You are right. I am wrong. I feel shame."
Frank Graves 1: "Okay ! this is the second time you got me with careless tweeting . And once again I defer to your catch. Good one!" 2. "Sheesh! are you available as a real time editor?"