A couple of excerpts
"But I have to admit I'm glad Ottawa chose, this week, to deny federal funding to Expo 2017. This event had "huge white elephant" written all over it."
"The Vancouver Olympics were supposed to bring in more billions than they cost. Yet despite being brilliantly run -- truly a world-class event -- the games have saddled taxpayers with hundreds of millions in debt. Just the overrun at the athletes' village will hit nearly three-quarters-of-a-billion dollars."
"Because of its perceived out-of-the-way location, Knoxville never attracted all the international pavilions it had planned for and ended up burdening the city with a $46-million debt -- and Knoxville never envisioned using its expo the way Edmonton did to justify massive transit upgrades and urban redevelopments."
I agree 100%. This decision looks to have averted a major disaster for not only the tax payers of Edmonton and Alberta, but from the rest of Canada as well. The amount of pork in the bid, that had nothing to do with the EXPO event itself, combined with the inevitable cost overruns and the low balled security costs make the decision by the Feds to deny funding the right choice. For all of us.
BTW would the Mayor, or any other supporters, explain to me just why the taxpayers of Canada were being asked to pay for the following:
EXPO 2017 will also generate new opportunities to increase the positive impression the city makes upon visitors, such as the construction of a signature bridge over the river to enhance the connection between the southside and downtown. Another is the redevelopment of the Legislature grounds and the West Rossdale area in time to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary. At the regional level, increasing access and enhancement to the river valley park system and using the river as a transportation conduit between downtown and the South Campus site could be lasting legacies for the entire community.
when they have nothing really to do with the EXPO event itself.
They may be wonderful ideas but it is deceitful to have the rest of the country pay for them under the guise of them being needed for EXPO 2017.
EXPO 2017 will also generate new opportunities to increase the positive impression the city makes upon visitors, such as the construction of a signature bridge over the river to enhance the connection between the southside and downtown. Another is the redevelopment of the Legislature grounds and the West Rossdale area in time to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary. At the regional level, increasing access and enhancement to the river valley park system and using the river as a transportation conduit between downtown and the South Campus site could be lasting legacies for the entire community.
when they have nothing really to do with the EXPO event itself.
They may be wonderful ideas but it is deceitful to have the rest of the country pay for them under the guise of them being needed for EXPO 2017.